ZeFF – Zero Emission Fast Ferry
Five of the cluster partners in NCE Maritime CleanTech are cooperating to develop a zero emission fast ferry concept for both battery and hydrogen operation.
In December 2018 the ferry concept ZeFF (Zero Emission Fast Ferry) was awarded 10.5 MNOK from the public support scheme PILOT-E. All partners behind the concept are members of the NCE Maritime CleanTech cluster; Norled, Selfa Arctic, LMG Marin, Hyon and Servogear.
The concept will be developed in a battery version for shorter routes and a hydrogen version for longer routes. The project that has received funding will also cover development of the supply chains needed for shore power and hydrogen.
Today fast ferries represent one percent of the oil consumption in Norway, which amounts to 86 million litre petroleum per year. In the course of a ten-year period the aim is to eliminate the emissions from these vessels completely. ZeFF is amongst the projects that will accelerate the development of the solutions required to reach this target.
ZeFF will operate at a speed of 25-45 knots and have foils that lift the vessel out of the water to reduce hull resistance.
During 2019 the actors will develop, validate, analyse and get approval for all parts of the concept. The vessel shall be market ready in 2020.