With the right mechanisms and cooperation between the public and private sectors, Norway can take a leading role in implementing green ammonia as fuel, our new report confirms. By doing so, Norway can reach its emission targets.

The report examines how Norway can speed up the introduction of green ammonia as a fuel for domestic shipping, and is written by Maritime CleanTech, in close collaboration with Yara Clean Ammonia and DNV. We have made a roadmap analysing how regulations, available funding schemes, and increased CO2-tax affect the uptake of green ammonia towards 2030.

– Our findings demonstrate that Norway can accelerate the development and use of ammonia-powered vessels, creating a market for green production, bunkering infrastructure, and distribution technologies, says Tore Boge, Project Manager in Maritime CleanTech. Together with Christian W. Berg, Director of Market Development in Yara Clean Ammonia, he launched the report in Oslo on April 1st.

Defined requirements is needed

The report states that Norway is not able to meet the national target of a 50 percent reduction in Greenhouse Gas emissions from domestic shipping by 2030, with the currently committed CO2-tax and emission reduction requirements for defined segments. To do so, Norway needs to enforce defined requirements for emission reductions, and an incremental increase of CO2 tax up to 2000 NOK/ton in 2030. A more rapid reduction of CO2 emissions is achievable by adding investment support for shipowners making use of green ammonia.

Based on the experience from the introduction of battery hybrids in the offshore vessel segment the analysis shows that this segment can take a similar lead in the introduction of alternative fuels. When alternative fuel technology is proven, one may see requirements for zero-emission technology from the energy companies/end users. The report states that this will lead to a significant uptake of green ammonia and could be an opportunity for Norway to demonstrate how zero-emission shipping is possible on a large scale.


The report was officially presented to Norway’s minister of trade and industry, Jan Christian Vestre