Advokatfirmaet Thommessen, LH2 Shipping, Future Proof Shipping, and OceanPact Technology Norway join Maritime CleanTech – all eager to explore the power of green maritime collaboration.

Maritime CleanTech CEO, Ada Jakobsen, is thrilled to welcome the new partners into the world-leading hub for clean maritime solutions.

– We´re constantly growing and strengthening our expertise. Happy to welcome Thommessen, a full-service business law firm specializing in shipping-related assistance, LH2 Shipping and Future Proof Shipping are rising stars in developing zero-emission hydrogen solutions for the maritime industry. Brazilian shipowner OceanPact is crucial for us to broaden our international network. Combining these four new partners with our collaboration proves our community is essential for the green transition in shipping, Jakobsen says.


Full-service business law firm Thommessen has invested heavily in the maritime industry. They strongly focus on sustainability and specialize in shipping-related assistance in technology development, IPR, transactions, dispute resolution, etc.

Participants at Maritime CleanTech´s Annual Innovation Workshop recently met lawyers Magnus H. Greaker and Mads Haavardsholm from Thommessen. With broad regulatory knowledge and experience, they introduced the partners to relevant aspects of moving from pilots to green commercial success.

Magnus Greaker and Mads Haavardsholm from Thommessen together with Ada Jakobsen at Maritime CleanTechs Innovation Workshop at Sola.

LH2 Shipping

Norwegian startup LH2 Shipping aims to develop vessels running on liquid hydrogen. One of the founders, Ivan Østvik, was chairing Maritime CleanTech’s expert group on hydrogen and was also one of the prominent architects behind the world´s first vessel running on liquid hydrogen, MF Hydra.

Future Proof Shipping

Dutch shipowner Future Proof Shipping aims to have ten zero-emission vessels in their fleet over the next ten years.

This summer, H2Barge1 was put into operation as Future Proof Shipping´s first inland container vessel running emission-free on hydrogen.

Soon, their second vessel, the FPS Waal, will start to traffic the river Rhine. This vessel is part of the revolutionary Flagships project with several Maritime CleanTech partners involved.

OceanPact Technology Norway

Brazil´s third-biggest shipowner has opened offices in Norway. OceanPact is a shipping- and service company that offers services for the study, protection, monitoring and sustainable use of the ocean, coastline and marine resources. Their vessels and services support energy sectors, mining, telecommunications, ports, navigation, tourism, fishing and aquaculture.