The new way of transporting goods at sea! The Short Sea Pioneer is a revolutionary two-vessel solution that may change the way we transport goods in Europe. Brochure.

New way of transportation

Less emissions

An aging fleet, stricter emission standards and a desire to move transport from roads to sea, generates a need for new solutions for coastal transport. The Short Sea Pioneer will make eco-friendly coastal transport more competitive than road transport.

The Short Sea Pioneer consists of two ship types: Mother vessels and daughter/feeder vessels. The combined use of the ships creates a logistic system that shall contribute to move cargo from road to sea through offering regularity, flexibility and availability.

The Short Sea Pioneer will lead to cost reductions and reduced emissions per cargo unit for the end client.

The project is leaded by The NorthSea Container Line 20%
Design-driven innovation process (financed by Doga) finished in 2016 100%


Do you want more information about this project?

Or do you have an idea for a project? Both students and professionals from the maritime value chain are welcome to contact us.

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Slik skal ny 2-i-1-løsning flytte mer gods fra vei til sjøNew solution for shortsea shipping