Maritime CleanTech is leading a new project looking into smart, green, cost-effective retrofit solutions for shortsea shipping.
Finding green retrofit solutions for parts of the existing fleet is crucial if Norway is to reach its goal of halving the CO2 emissions from the domestic fleet by 2030. As of today, only 0,5 percent of existing Norwegian ships have implemented zero- or low-emission technology. Maritime CleanTechs’ new project will look at developing circular value chains which can give existing shortsea vessels a lifetime beyond 2030.
– The short sea segment is a large part of the Norwegian fleet and finding smart, green, and cost-effective retrofit solutions for this segment can play an important role when it comes to cutting emissions from shipping. Globally the potential for green retrofit solutions is vast, and this is an important market for the Norwegian maritime industry to win, says Øystein Huglen, Head of innovation and Project Development at Maritime CleanTech.
Mapping needs and possibilities
Supported by Vestland County Council, Maritime CleanTech can start mapping the needs and potential within the shortsea fleet, together with relevant cluster members. This includes identifying retrofit products and technology, mapping the industrial capacity to handle the need for retrofits and conversions, what possibilities there are for retrofits, and what capacity there is in the subcontractor section to carry out such jobs.
– We have seen that Norwegian shipowners are willing to invest in low and zero-emission technology, and know there is valuable knowledge in our cluster on how it can be done, Project Manager at Maritime CleanTech, Silje Sivertsen says. The project wishes to identify bottlenecks and obstacles to ensure value creation in Norway, and how the shortsea shipping fleet can be part of a circular economic value chain.
– We know that green retrofit solutions are a topic of great interest for many of our members, and we’re looking forward to gathering their expertise, needs, and experiences and getting ahead with this project, Sivertsen says.
The project will soon start, and all partners in Maritime CleanTech can signal their interest in participating by contacting Project Manager Silje Sivertsen (silje@maritimecleantech.no).