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Hydrogen i skipsfarten – frukostmøte
Hotel Norge by Scandic Nedre Ole Bullsplass 4, BergenSkipsfarten må ta grep for å nå nasjonale og internasjonale utslippsmål. Grønt flytende hydrogen, hydrogen produsert av fornybar energi, er […]
Board meeting
SH2IFT Hydrogen safety final project workshop
The SH2IFT project proudly invites to a final workshop on hydrogen safety. Their experimental and modelling work on both gaseous […]
Political Expert Group
Scandic Maritim Hotel Åsbygaten 3, HaugesundHaugesundkonferansen har siden starten i 1993 utviklet seg til å bli den toneangivende maritime konferansen i Norge. Konferansen tar opp […]
CleanTech Meetup: New and green power solutions
CleanTech Meetups is our digital meeting place – where cluster partners get their well-deserved chance in the spotlight. Who are […]
Webinar: Use of digital tools to improve competetiveness and create new services
Register here!
How can Maritime Solutions change Urban Mobility?
Stavanger Maritime Museum Strandkaien 22, Stavanger, NorwayNorway has world-leading technology, know-how and infrastructure for delivering smart and sustainable ferries to cities of the future. Waterways have […]
HAVlunsj: CleanTech Energy Incubator
VilVite Thormøhlens gate 51, Bergen, NorwayVelkomen til HAVlunsj i Bergen! Den nasjonale inkubator-satsinga CleanTech Energy Incubator skal bidra til meir utvikling av nye energiløysingar for […]
Maritime CleanTech Innovation Workshop 2022
Quality Hotel Maritim Åsbygata 3, HaugesundWelcome to our annual workshop dedicated to cleaner maritime solutions! Major ship owners, shipbuilders, ship operators, energy providers, and technology […]
Driving the blue economy through sustainable Nordic Ports
The NordMar Ports is a Nordic Innovation funded project that aims to boost the sustainability and innovation in Nordic Port […]
Workshop: Developing a Circular Economy for Maritime Batteries
Bergen Nøstegaten 44Join Maritime CleanTech and COWI in Bergen on the 8th of June to learn more about how can we ensure a viable lifecycle for maritime batteries!
Board meeting
Funding and Market Opportunities in Europe (EVS 35 Oslo)
LillestrømHow can Norwegian companies access funding opportunities in Europe? And how do you find partners and a network in the […]
CleanTech Meetup: Smarter engineering
Dear cluster partner, You're welcome to join our next CleanTech Meetup: Smarter engineering. This meetup will highlight how SEAM, Wavefoil, […]
SkatteFUNN-kurs i Bergen
Grand Hotel Terminus, BergenPlanlegger din bedrift å utvikle et nytt produkt eller en ny tjeneste? Eller har dere en idé om hvordan bedriften […]
Stord Hotell Kjøtteinsvegen 67, Stord, NorwayNye Energiformer! Kva blir framtidas energimiks? Kva moglegheiter har me innan havvind? Korleis kan sirkulærøkonomi verta eit konkurransefortrinn? Klarar me […]
HAVlunsj: Nåtidens lavutslippskip
VilVite Thormøhlens gate 51, Bergen, NorwayMøt kollegaer fra havnæringene til et uformelt lunsjmøte når Maritime Bergen inviterer til HAVlunsj torsdag 16. juni. Det grønne skiftet […]
Digital prosjektverkstad
Prosjektverkstaden er eit tilbod til aktørar i Vestland som vil lære meir om å strukturere og planlegge eit forskings- og […]
Join the Norwegian delegation to Sea Tech Week: Information meeting
WebinarMaritime CleanTech and Blue Maritime invite cluster partners to join the Team Norway delegation at Sea Tech Week in Brest, France, followed by visits to key companies in Brest and Saint- Nazaire. Listen in to the information meeting to learn more.
Maritime batteries — potential use in China
Do you want to learn more about maritime batteries — and the potential use in China? Join our webinar organized […]
Rosendalsveko 2022
8. - 9. august møtes vi igjen på kaien i Rosendal for å diskutere utfordringane og mogelegheitene vi står ovanfor […]
Maritime CleanTech at Arendalsuka
Maritime CleanTech arrangerer tre høgaktuelle debattar i Arendal. Statsrådar, stortingspolitikarar og toppleiarar frå offentlig sektor og maritim industri blir med […]
Arendalsuka: 7,5 år igjen til 2030: Korleis få eit norsk krafttak for grøn maritim omstilling?
Vision of the fjords, ArendalNo må me trå til! Me er inne i eit avgjerande tiår. Rapportane er krystallklare. Om Noreg skal kutta klimagassutslepp […]
Arendalsuka: Autonome bybåtar utan utslepp – eit nytt norsk transporteventyr?
Vision of the fjords, ArendalFørarlause, sjølvkøyrande og utsleppsfrie: framtidas bybåtar kan løysa transportutfordringar over heile verda. ZAWAS-prosjektet har samla Noregs fremste ekspertar for å […]
Arendalsuka: Hydrogen for skipsfarten innan 2025: Kva må til?
Vision of the fjords, ArendalRegjeringa har varsla ei betydeleg utbygging av infrastruktur for klimavenleg skipstransport innan 2025. Men dette er framleis berre ambisjonar på […]
Information meeting: Export program “USA Global Growth – Clean Maritime Pacific Northwest”
Webinar18. August 14.30-15.15 we invite you to an information meeting about the American maritime market and Innovation Norway’s recently […]
Nettmøte om finansieringsordningar for næringsutvikling
Nettmøte om finansieringsordningar for næringsutvikling
Næringsseksjonen i Rogaland fylkeskommune inviterer til informasjonsmøte på Teams om aktuelle finansieringsordningar for næringsutvikling. Få innsikt i regionale tilskotsordningar som kan gi økonomisk støtte til din organisasjon og prosjekt.
Norway-China Inland Green Shipping Technology Webinar
Do you want to learn more about Norway-China Inland Green Shipping Technology? Join our webinar organized together with Innovation Norway […]
Maritime CleanTech at ONS: Green Shipping and Batteries
ONS Stavanger Forum, StavangerMaritime CleanTech will moderate two green shipping sessions during the ONS fair in Stavanger: In the «Green shipping» session the […]
Board meeting
Green Shipping Opportunities
Join the ADB virtual Business Opportunity Seminar series with Norway and learn about ADB-financed projects focusing on the electrification of […]
Maritime CleanTech at SMM Hamburg 2022
Throughout SMM Hamburg Maritime CleanTech and partners will showcase world-leading clean solutions and groundbreaking projects. Don’t miss out! Maritime ClenTech […]
Introducing a new propulsion era
SMM Hamburg Messeplatz 1, Hamburg, GermanyMeet the new propulsion giant at stand B7.102 as Bjørn Sturle Hillestad, Sales & Marketing Director Servogear gives us a sneak peak of their plans for a faster and greener future.
Delivering Fuel Cells to Deep Sea shipping
SMM Hamburg Messeplatz 1, Hamburg, GermanyAlma Clean Power is the first venture to be launched out of Clara Venture Labs – and they are ready to help Deep Sea Shipping reduce its emissions. Meet the team at stand B7.102 to learn more about the leading supplier of low and zero emission power systems!
The safest H2-solution for zero-emission shipping?
SMM Hamburg Messeplatz 1, Hamburg, GermanyWith the unique LOHC solution based on a non-explosive and hardly flammable carrier, which also can be used at ambient conditions, Hydrogenious will allow for easy handling, storage and transportation of maritime hydrogen – onboard and in ports. Meet the team of Hydrogenious LOHC Maritime AS at stand B7.102!
Introducing the world´s first zero-emission fast ferry
SMM Hamburg Messeplatz 1, Hamburg, GermanyThis year the TrAM project partners are launching the fully electric catamaran Medstraum – a groundbreaking zero emission fast ferry. Don’t miss out on meeting the TrAM partners at stand B7.102!
Solid Oxide Fuel Cells – for long range zero-emission voyages
SMM Hamburg Messeplatz 1, Hamburg, GermanyTo achieve long range voyages without emissions, Eidesvik’s Viking Energy will be retrofitted with a 2 MW Solid-Oxide Fuel Cell. Powered by green ammonia this game changing EU project will demonstrate that long range voyages with high power demands are possible.
ShipFC partners will be presenting the project at stand B7.102 on September 7th.
Decarbonizing high speed vessels
SMM Hamburg Messeplatz 1, Hamburg, GermanyInspired by flying sailboats, Lift Ocean aspires to make the hydrofoil technology available for everyone. Join them on stand B7.102 to learn more about the technology, and to get the latest update on HydroGlyder: A full-scale prototype!
Emission free cargo transport
SMM Hamburg Messeplatz 1, Hamburg, GermanyIntroducing the worlds first hydrogen cargo vessel – meet the Flagships project at stand B7.102!
Next-generation maritime batteries
SMM Hamburg Messeplatz 1, Hamburg, GermanyMaritime battery pioneer Corvus energy is the supplier of one of the world´s most advanced maritime energy storage systems -
meet the zero-emission pioneers on stand B7.102 to hear all about their plans for an ambitious future!
LOHC Innovation Talks
SMM Hamburg Messeplatz 1, Hamburg, GermanyIn this seminar, we will explore the potential of Hydrogenious’ proprietary liquid organic hydrogen carrier technology (LOHC).
Join Hydrogenious LOHC and Maritime CleanTech as we take a deep dive into the technology, status quo, and future outlook.
Decarbonising Waterborne Transport: TrAM on the EU Stand
SMM Hamburg Messeplatz 1, Hamburg, GermanyOn Wednesday September 7th, the European Commission’s stand program will be focused on Decarbonising Waterborne Transport. Who better to showcase zero emission transport than TrAM?
TrAM seminar: World’s first zero-emission high-speed craft
SMM Hamburg Messeplatz 1, Hamburg, GermanyHow was the world’s first high speed catamaran realized?
In this seminar we will hear from the partners behind the groundbreaking TrAM project.
Fast-tracking Maritime Hydrogen Fuel Cells
SMM Hamburg Messeplatz 1, Hamburg, GermanyInitiated by world leading supplier of zero-emission solutions, Corvus Energy, H2NOR is established to develop and demonstrate high-performing and scalable maritime hydrogen fuel cell systems, based on fuel cell technology from Toyota. Along with several other partners they are on route to showcasing how we can drastically reduce emissions long before 2030.
Meet the H2NOR partners and hear more about their journey at stand B7.102!
Designing for the future
SMM Hamburg Messeplatz 1, Hamburg, GermanyAs the market is getting ready for the green transition, Breeze Ship Design is growing fast to take on new challenges.
Meet the team at stand B7.102 on September 8th!
Testing future fuel systems – focusing on hydrogen and ammonia
SMM Hamburg Messeplatz 1, Hamburg, GermanyConsider yourself a pioneer for driving the technology development of new, low and zero-emission energy solutions? Then you are at the right place.
Sustainable Energy Norwegian Catapult is a Norwegian government tool that helps bring key innovations and prototypes for the green transition to the market faster, safer and cheaper.
Meet them at stand B7.102!
French-Norwegian Decarbonisation Forum in Paris
Team Norway and French partners have the pleasure of inviting you to the French-Norwegian Decarbonization forum in Paris on the […]
Political Expert Group
TrAM Conference: Water to Land Mobility Hubs
Scandic Stavanger City Reidar Berges Gate 7, Stavanger, Rogaland, NorwayJoin the international conference either digitally or physically in Stavanger, Norway! Here we’ll address planning and operation of mobility […]
Medstraum: World’s first zero-emission high-speed craft – the TrAM introduction seminar
Scandic Stavanger City Reidar Berges Gate 7, Stavanger, Rogaland, NorwayHow was the world’s first zero emission high-speed ferry realized? In this seminar, we will hear from the enabling partners […]
CleanTech Meetup: Deep Sea towards low carbon
CleanTech Meetups is our meeting place – where cluster partners get their well-deserved chance in the spotlight. Who are they […]
Åpning av testområde for hydrogen brenselsceller
Corvus Energy Sandbrekketoppen 30, Nesttun, NorwayVerdens ledende leverandør av batteriløsninger til skip, Corvus Energy, er i full gang med utvikling og storskala produksjon av bærekraftige […]
Political Expert Group
French-Norwegian Days 2022 : Towards a Blue Economy
Oslo Øvre Slottsgate gate 3, Oslo, Oslo, NorwayOn behalf of Innovation Norway, we have the pleasure to invite some selected Norwegian companies to pitch during the plenary session at The French-Norwegian Days 2022. It will also be possible to attend the entire conference on 12 October as well as B2B meetings with French and Norwegian companies on the next day.
Board meeting
Electric and hybrid vessels – market potential in Southern Europe
Media City Bergen Lars Hillesgate 30, Bergen, NorwayA vast study of the French, Italian and Spanish market has been carried out to help cluster partners reach their export goals. Join the workshop in Bergen to see just what opportunities exist for maritime technology that can help reduce emissions and decarbonize waterborne transport.
HAVlunsj: Hvordan sikre at CO2 lagring i undergrunnen er trygt
Velkommen til HAVlunsj på Marineholmen - en uformell møteplass for havnæringene, med fokus på kompetanseheving og nettverksbygging. Velkommen til den […]
MoZEES Annual Meeting 2022
We are very pleased to be able to invite to the MoZEES Annual Meeting 2022, which is to take place […]
Norge og Portugal – et hav av muligheter for næringslivssamarbeid
Oslo Øvre Slottsgate gate 3, Oslo, Oslo, NorwayPortugal og Innovasjon Norge inviterer norske bedrifter til et arrangement om næringslivssamarbeid og matchmaking på Sentralen i Oslo.
HAVlunsj: Future treatment of farmed fish
VilVite Thormøhlens gate 51, Bergen, NorwayHAVlunsj is a series of lunch meetings held by VIS, Maritime Bergen, GCE Ocean Technology, NCE Seafood Innovation Cluster, Marineholmen […]
Come meet Maritime CleanTech and partners of the TrAM-, Ship FC and Flagships project at Waterborne´s stand (PAV 2, STAND […]
CleanTech Meetup: Greener Cruising
CleanTech Meetups is our digital meeting place – where cluster partners get their well-deserved chance in the spotlight. Who are […]
Konkurransetilsynets bærekraftkonferanse 2022
Hvordan kan konkurranse og konkurransepolitikk bidra til det grønne skiftet? Bli med på Konkurransetilsynets bærekraftkonferanse fredag 18. november 2022. Sammen […]
Export opportunities uncovered in Southern Europe – what now?
After the launch of several new market analyses from Innovation Norway, we invite our partners to collaborate for high potential export opportunities.
Find the right EU-call: Energy conversion and Sustainable Fuels
Do you need funding from the EU to help realize your new and green solutions? In this brand-new webinar series, […]
Tech Update: Digitalization – a tool towards 2030
As the maritime industry is searching for green solutions, the society around us is experiencing a digital transformation. How can new digital solutions, data analysis, and autonomy help us reach our green goals? What’s the potential for digital solutions on board, at the shipping company’s office, or for organizing the fleet? Join our Tech Update on digitalization to hear what shipowners and technology developers believe is our new, digital future.
Vegkart for nullutslepp i havbruk: innspelsmøte
Samhandlingsstova Meatjønnsvegen 74, Stord, Vestland, NorwaySamtidig som innanriks skipsfart må halvere utsleppa innan 2030, står havbruksflåta ovanfor nye krav til sine utsleppskutt. Maritime CleanTech har fått midlar av Vestland fylkeskommune til å utarbeide eit digitalt vegkart som skal vise næringa vegen.
Find the right EU-call: Digital Solutions
Do you need funding from the EU to help realize your new and green solutions? In this brand-new webinar series, […]
Find the right EU-call: Environmental Shipbuilding
Do you need funding from the EU to help realize your new and green solutions? In this brand-new webinar series, […]
Maritime CleanTech Annual Conference 2022: Chasing Zero!
Solstrand Hotel & Bad Solstrandvegen 200, Os, NorwayNCE Maritime CleanTech invites all cluster participants to the highlight of the year: Maritime CleanTech’s annual conference: Chasing Zero! At […]
Green Shipping: Experiences from EU funded projects
Maritime CleanTech will present at the CINEA Cross-programme feedback workshop on December 8th.
HAVlunsj: Hydrogensikkerhet til havs
VilVite Thormøhlens gate 51, Bergen, NorwayVelkommen til HAVlunsj i Bergen! Hydrogen er sett på som eitt av dei viktigaste drivstoffalternativa for skipsfarten i […]
Oceanbird: Live webcast from ABBA arena
Tune in on the live webcast from ABBA arena to hear all about the upcoming Oceanbird Wing installation on an […]
Quality Hotel Maritim Åsbygata 3, HaugesundHaugesundkonferansen er ein arena som samlar ein bredde innan det maritime miljøet. Bli med på eit fullspekka program i månadsskiftet januar til februar.
Meet up with Innovation Norway – Singapore Maritime Sector
Maritime CleanTech Bergen Nøstegaten 44, Bergen, Bergen, NorwayInterested in market opportunities in Singapore? Book a one-to-one meeting with the Singapore representatives when they visit Bergen!
Hydrogen Expert Group
Status on plans for production of Hydrogen based fuels for maritime applications. Maritime CleanTech welcomes you to a new meeting […]
Fra vest til west! Eksport fra Norge til Americas.
Media City Bergen Lars Hillesgate 30, Bergen, NorwayHvordan skal vi sammen lykkes med eksport og skalering? Møt våre eksperter fra Vestland og Nord- og Sør Amerika i Bergen!
Vestlandskonferansen 2023: Handlekraft
Grieghallen Edvard Griegs plass 1, BergenVestlandskonferansen 2023 går av stabelen 14 februar, og denne gongen samlast me i Bergen for å styrke vår kollektive handlekraft.
CleanTech MeetUp: Powered by Ammonia
WebinarCleanTech Meetups is our meeting place – where cluster partners get their well-deserved chance in the spotlight. Who are they and most importantly, what are they aiming for?
HAVlunsj: Grønn Plattform
VilVite Thormøhlens gate 51, Bergen, NorwayHvordan tenke stort og realisere nye verdikjeder? Vi presenterer to av de 11 nye Grønn Plattform prosjektene for å utvikle klima- og miljøvennlige løsninger i næringslivet.
HySchool Days 2023
Scandic Ørnen BergenJoin the 2023 edition of HySchool, where the goal is to contribute to the global energy transition by enhancing the quality of Norwegian doctoral education on the use of hydrogen and hydrogen-based fuel as energy carriers. The event takes places in Bergen, Norway.
«Clean Hydrogen»-utlysingar under Horisont Europa 2023 og 2024
Grøn region Vestland og EU-rådgjevarnettverket Horisont Vestland inviterer til eit digitalt informasjonsmøte om «Clean Hydrogen»-utlysingar under Horisont Europa 2023 og […]
Tech Update: Autonomy and robotics – how does it support the green transition?
Autonomy and robotics have been buzzwords in shipping for years, but where are we in 2023? How far has the […]
HAVlunsj: Møt gründerne som leverer innovasjon til næringslivet
VilVite Thormøhlens gate 51, Bergen, NorwayVelkommen til HAVlunsj i Bergen! Future Ocean Incubator er et knutepunkt for maritim innovasjon og bærekraft i havet, med en rekke […]
Maritime CleanTech’s annual meeting
All Maritime CleanTech partners are invited to join as we gather digitally for the annual meeting.
Energiseminar med DNB og NPF
DNB og NPF inviterer til seminar med DNBs oljeanalytiker Helge André Martinsen. Oljeprisen falt gjennom andre halvår i fjor, men […]
Norwegian Zhoushan Green Maritime Day
The Norwegian Consulate General will in cooperation with Zhoushan Municipality be hosting a Green Maritime Event 26-28 April in Zhoushan, […]
CleanTech MeetUp: Greener Offshore Operations
WebinarCleanTech Meetups is our digital meeting place – where cluster partners get their well-deserved chance in the spotlight. Who are they and most importantly, what are they aiming for?
One Ocean Conference
Grieghallen Edvard Griegs plass 1, BergenDiscover how ocean-based firms and researchers collaborate for innovation and the use of new technologies. Learn from examples of sustainable […]
One Ocean Conference: Shipping towards zero-emission
Grieghallen Edvard Griegs plass 1, BergenONE OCEAN CONFERENCE is an arena aiming to strengthen collaboration and explore the potential for new partnerships within the ocean […]
HAST: Hydrogen, ammoniakk, skipsfart & teknologi
One Ocean Week, Vision of the Fjords (Vågen, Bergen), 18. april kl. 16–17 (inkl. lett servering) Skipsfarten står overfor ei […]
Webinar: EUs EIC Accelerator Program
WebinarFAGSEMINAR DIH OCEANOPOLIS I SAMARBEID MED INNOVASJON NORGE | H2020 PROJECT–DIH WORLD EUs EIC Accelerator finansiering for oppstartsbedrifter og […]
HAVlunsj: Plastic pollution
VilVite Thormøhlens gate 51, Bergen, NorwayWelcome to HAVlunsj in Bergen! This time, the HAVlunsj is held by NCE Seafood Innovation and the topic will plastic. […]
Nullutslipp i skipsfarten – hvor står teknologien?
Mesh Youngstorget Møllergata 6, 8, Oslo, Oslo, NorwayZERO, Maritime CleanTech og Norges rederiforbund samler ledende næringsaktører, myndigheter og politikere til teknologiseminar. Hvor står løsningene i dag, og […]
Norway–China Green Maritime Forum 2023 – hydrogen vessels
Online/offline event in Sheraton Hotel of Zhoushan city, with simultaneous translation service 14:00-18:30 (Beijing time), Thursday 27th April 2023 (8:00-11:30 […]
Reclaiming Urban Waterways for Liveable Cities
Time: May 4, 2023, 11:15-15:30 Place: ZAWAS Stage (Nordic EV Summit, Oslo) Waterways are maintenance-free, uncrowded, and immediately available in 90 % […]
Innovasjonsprosjekt i Næringslivet: Utlysing 2023
WebinarAgenda: Innovasjonsprosjekt i Næringslivet Utlysing 2023 v/ Rigmor Fardal NFR Kompetansemeklar HVL v/ Rannveig Litlabø Future Energy Solutions: Erfaringar med […]