Maritime CleanTech

Norwegian parliament adopts zero-emission regulations in the fjords

The Norwegian Parliament has adopted a resolution to halt emissions from cruise ships and…

SMIA - a world class innovation arena for the ocean industries

The ocean industries have an increasing need for testing and demonstration facilities to…

Stortingsfleirtal for utsleppsfrie fjordar seinast innan 2026

Stortinget ber Regjeringa innføre krav om nullutslepp frå turistskip- og ferjer i…

Ny utlysing frå PILOT-E: 100 millionar kroner til miljøteknologi

Pilot E kjem no med si andre utlysing til innan utsleppsfri maritim transport, som blant…

Washington state seeks Norwegian collaboration in green shipping

NCE Maritime CleanTech continues to travel the world with its cluster members to promote…

Energetic battery discussions at cluster seminar

Battery is a hot topic in the maritime sector. Ageing, life span, prices and operating…

Maritim næring ber politikarane om strengare krav

NCE Maritime CleanTech og Zero sitt seminar om utsleppsfri maritim sektor gav…

Norwegian delegation visits Seattle WA

Washington State and the Norwegian Embassy in Washington DC have invited Norwegian…

Årsmelding 2017

2017 var eit svært innhaldsrikt år for NCE Maritime CleanTech. I årsmeldinga vår kan du…